
Tullverkets logotyp. Tillbaka till startsidan

Malmö Customs Clearance Office


Office address: Ollebovägen 18
Telephone: +46 771 520 520 (Switchboard)
Fax: +46 40467436

Driving directions to Olleboterminalen Clearance office, Vintrie

Take Yttre Ringvägen towards Copenhagen. Take the last exit before the Öresund bridge toll station. Follow the signs to Ollebo industrial area.

Office hours
Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., excluding public holidays
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: Closed

The Customs office closes at 12 noon on the Thursday before Easter (Maundy Thursday), the day before All Saints Day, Twelfth Night and Walpurgis Eve when they fall on a weekday and 23 December when it falls on a Friday.

Holy Saturday, Whitsun Eve, Midsummer's Eve, Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve are treated as public holidays.

GPS coordinates:
WGS 84 (lat, long): N 55° 33.348', E 12° 57.091'
WGS 84 decimal degrees (lat, long): 55.55580, 12.95152
RT90: 6162176, 1319936
SWEREF99: 6158549, 370789

Card payments

Swedish Customs continuously works to reduce the handling of cash at our clearance offices. All customs clearance offices have card machines, and we prefer that you pay your charges by card.

We accept most debit and credit cards issued by banks. However, we do not accept American Express or Diners Card.

Tullverket • Box 12 854 • 112 98 Stockholm • 0771-520 520