
Tullverkets logotyp. Tillbaka till startsidan

Idre Customs Clearance Office

Office address: Byvägen 34

For clearance of TIR and ATA Carnets for cross-border traffic, you may contact us for an appointment.

Appointments can be made via telephone +46 253 321 00 or +46 31 63 38 00.

GPS coordinates:
WGS 84 (lat, long): N 61° 51.466', E 12° 42.757'
WGS 84 decimal degrees (lat, long): 61.85777, 12.71262
RT90: 6864328, 1337250
SWEREF99: 6860455, 379653

Tullverket • Box 12 854 • 112 98 Stockholm • 0771-520 520