
Tullverkets logotyp. Tillbaka till startsidan

Karlshamn/Stilleryd Customs Clearance Office

Office address: S Stillerydsvägen

For clearance of TIR and ATA Carnets for cross-border traffic, you may contact us for an appointment.

Appointments can be made via fax +46 40 661 32 19 or by telephone +46 40 661 32 20 weekdays between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m., but no later than 24 hours prior to the desired day of clearance.  

Details to be stated in a fax:

Mandatory details that must be stated in a fax when applying for clearance:
1. Date of application
2. Declarant/Representative (Corporate Identification Number, name, address, telephone, mobile phone, email)
3. Desired date, time and place for clearance
4. Desired procedure
5. Means of transport (number of units, identity)

GPS coordinates:

WGS 84 (lat, long): N 56° 10.036', E 14° 49.130'
WGS 84 decimal degrees (lat, long): 56.16727, 14.81883
RT90: 6226994, 1438721
SWEREF99: 6224711, 488749

Card payments

Swedish Customs continuously works to reduce the handling of cash at our clearance offices. All customs clearance offices have card machines, and we prefer that you pay your charges by card.

We accept most debit and credit cards issued by banks. However, we do not accept American Express or Diners Card.

Tullverket • Box 12 854 • 112 98 Stockholm • 0771-520 520