
Tullverkets logotyp. Tillbaka till startsidan
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Svinesund (Norwegian) Customs Clearance Office

Office address: E6/Svinesund

Postal Address: Sponvikaveien 7, N-1794 Sponvika, Norway
Telephone: + 47 69 36 22 00
Telephone after closing of the switchboard: +47 69 18 90 23
Fax: + 47 69 21 78 25

Office hours: Monday to Sunday 24 hours

For holiday opening hours, see the Norwegian Customsexternal link, opens in new window website

GPS coordinates
WGS 84 (lat, long):N 59° 6.529', E 11° 15.737'
WGS 84 decimal degrees (lat, long):59.10882, 11.26228
RT90:6563022, 1239848
SWEREF99:6558162, 286009

Report the goods – otherwise you are committing a crime!

Information to you who are transporting goods from Norway to Sweden.
Report the goods – otherwise you are committing a crime!PDF

Tullverket • Box 12 854 • 112 98 Stockholm • 0771-520 520