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Together we are stronger

Cooperation is a crucial success factor in Swedish Customs´ work to simplify what is legal and prevent what is illegal. This applies to cooperation with companies and other public agencies within Sweden and within the EU, but also globally.

On a national level, Swedish Customs cooperates with the Swedish Board of Agriculture, the Swedish Tax Agency, the National Food Administration, the National Board of Trade and chambers of commerce, among others. As a border agency, Swedish Customs checks the correctness of documentation that other public agencies require to be correct when crossing borders, for example when someone brings a dog into Sweden, or when a company imports foods. We also cooperate with trading companies, shipping agents, customs agents, carriers and others working with trade  with countries outside the EU. We participate in the considerable work within the EU to modernise customs legislation and working methods.

Swedish Customs cooperates with other law enforcement agencies, such as the Police, the Swedish Prosecution Authority and the Swedish Tax Agency. Cooperation takes place on both operational and strategic level. The number of complicated investigations has increased, which also places demands on rapid and efficient contacts with foreign customs authorities.

International cooperation partners are, for example, Europol and OLAF (The European Anti-Fraud Office) and, by means of the Nordic Police and Customs Cooperation, Swedish Customs has direct contact with Nordic personnel around the world. The Swedish law enforcement agencies take part on an ongoing basis in international  operational measures against organised crime.

Within the framework for Samverkan Mot Tullbrottslighet, SMT, (Combating Customs  Crime, MoU) Swedish Customs signs agreements with companies to prevent customs crime. We inform companies about how to avoid being used by criminal operators, such as smugglers. The companies become better at discovering risks and can give us tip-offs of suspicious activities.

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