
Tullverkets logotyp. Tillbaka till startsidan

Simplifying what is legal and preventing what is illegal

Swedish Customs´ preventative work in the trade of goods consists of information and training, for example via www.tullverket. se, courses tailored to companies or through participation in trade fairs. We issue and inform about various types of permits that companies need in their customs handling. We also provide information to private individuals about import regulations relating to travel and Internet purchases.

In conjunction with border passage, we clear goods and carry out goods checks. We can also examine customs declarations and carry out customs audits in order to check that the correct amounts have been paid and that regulations governing import and export of goods have been complied with. We also carry out excise duty checks to make sure that excise duty has been paid on alcohol, tobacco and energy products
transported inside the country.

We work to simplify legal trade and reducethe administrative burden on business. The simplification work includes developing recipient-adjusted information and services and to work towards effective legislation within the customs area.

Whitin our law enforcement work we monitor and control traffic to and from other countries so that regulations governing the import and export of goods are complied with. In conjunction with this, we work to prevent, discover, obstruct, investigate and prosecute customs-related crime. The work focuses on disabling or disrupting organised crime and fighting economic crime. Combating narcotics has the highest priority.

Border protection officers, customs investigators and customs prosecutors work together in order to combat criminal activities as effectively as possible. Suspected smuggling crimes are investigated by specially trained customs officers, who ensure that prosecutors and courts have sufficient documentation for a legally correct assessment of the issue of guilt. The investigations are led by a public prosecutor or, in simpler cases, by Swedish Customs´ own preliminary investigation managers or customs prosecutors, who can also decide on fine-based sanctions.

Each year, 75 million travellers, ships, containers and vehicles cross Sweden´s frontiers. Swedish Customs works in the midst of this enormous flow of goods and people.

Tullverket • Box 12 854 • 112 98 Stockholm • 0771-520 520