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More effective methods give better results

In order to be able to live up to the objectives set by Parliament and the Government for Swedish Customs, we constantly need to develop our working methods. We are concentrating ever more on intelligence, risk analysis and preventative work to become even better at making the right choices during checks and thereby not interrupt the flow of goods unnecessarily.

The operation and competence of Swedish Customs constitute an important link in the foreign trade chain. Trade with other countries is a crucial factor in Sweden´s economy and employment. Therefore our work to facilitate matters for companies with foreign trade is important.

Within the EU, there is a common certification programme, AEO (Authorised Economic Operator). All member countries use the same certification programme in order to ensure both increased security in the world and also efficient and uniform customs handling within the EU. Through Swedish Customs certifying companies, and thereby approving a high level of quality in the companies´ information and goods flows,
the companies can receive simplifications in their customs handling. Within the EU there are several other common systems that make customs handling more efficient and secure, such as prearrival and pre-departure information of import and export goods, and also EORI, a system with identification numbers for all customs operators
within the EU.

We are constantly working on improving working methods and processes in order to achieve good results, at the same time as we are using our resources in a  cost-effective manner. Within Law Enforcement, we use various technical aids, such as X-ray and fibre optics, and in the work with our narcotics detector dogs we are constantly trying to develop new, efficient ways of working.

On a more long-term level, we have developed a set of goals that describe the desired position for our operations in 2015. The set of goals forms the framework for how we plan and develop the operation strategically. Focus is on internal efficiency, but the goals also include prioritisations for the operational activities.

Tullverket • Box 12 854 • 112 98 Stockholm • 0771-520 520