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Substances not yet classified

On 1 April 2011 a new act entered into force enabling Swedish Customs to seize and destroy substances not yet classified as a narcotic or products injurious to health.
On 2 February 2011 the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament) approved the Bill "A More Effective Narcotics and Doping Legislation" (En effektivare narkotika- och dopningslagstiftning m.m. (2010/11:4)). This means that Swedish Customs has the right to seize and destroy substances which can be abused.

The Swedish National Institute of Public Health and the Swedish Medical Products Agency are the authorities responsible for the classification of narcotics and products injurious to health in Sweden. New chemical substances are being developed constantly, and even where these are almost entirely identical to existing substances, the task of classifying them is still extensive. Since classification is undertaken by other authorities, Swedish Customs cannot advise on which substances are allowed.

Swedish Customs performs checks on the flow of goods to ensure that import/export restrictions are followed as well as to forestall and prevent criminal offences related to the import and export of goods. The new act which entered into force on 1 April makes it possible for customs officers and police officers to seize goods containing substances not yet classified as a narcotic or products injurious to health, but which are anticipated to receive this classification. This will facilitate our commission to reduce the availability of narcotics and products injurious to health in Sweden.

For information on which substances are allowed, please contact the Swedish National Institute of Public Health and the Swedish Medical Products Agency.

Tullverket • Box 12 854 • 112 98 Stockholm • 0771-520 520