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When you travel to Sweden you may bring in prescription drugs, but only if you intend to use them for a medical reason and it is for personal use. You are also allowed to bring medicine for pets that are travelling with you, if it has been prescribed by a veterinary surgeon.

A travellers allowance (personal use only) for prescription drugs that are not classified as narcotics:

  • From a country outside the European Economic Area, EEA you may bring in the equivalent of three months use.
  • From another country within the EEA you may bring in the equivalent of one years use.

(European Economic Area consists of the 27 EU countries, and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.)

A travellers allowance (personal use only) for medicines that are classified as narcotics:

  • If the drugs are listed in the Medical Products Agency´s list II or III you may bring in the equivalent of five days use each time you enter Sweden.
  • If the drugs are listed in the Medical Products Agency´s list IV or V you may bring in the equivalent of three weeks use. If the traveller is a foreign resident and is in Sweden only temporarily, he may bring in enough for the duration of his stay in Sweden up to a maximum of three months.

To find out if your drugs are listed please contact the Medical Products Agencyexternal link, opens in new window.

How do I certify that the medicine is for my personal use?
You must be able to certify that the medicine is for your personal use, either by producing a written certificate from your doctor or veterinary surgeon, or by showing the chemists label. Both your name and the name of the prescribing doctor or veterinary surgeon must be on the label.

If you live in a country within the Schengen area and are being treated with narcotics, you must in some cases bring a certificate from the relevant authority in your country of residence when travelling to another country within the Schengen area. If you bring more than one type of narcotics you must have a separate certificate for each narcotic. You may bring in the equivalent of up to 30 days use.

Syringes and needles
You may bring in syringes and needles (for personal use only) if you can certify that you need them by, for example, showing us a certificate from your doctor.

Performance-enhancing drugs
Performance-enhancing drugs refer to:

  • synthetic anabolic steroids
  • testosterone and its derivatives
  • growth hormones
  • chemical substances which increase the production and release of testosterone and its derivatives, or of growth hormones.

Performance-enhancing drugs may not be brought to Sweden unless they are for medical or scientific use.

You may bring in to Sweden a medicine that is classified as a performance-enhancing drug (for personal use only) but only sufficient for fourteen days use.

Please contact the Medical Products Agencyexternal link to find out more about performance-enhancing drugs.

Tullverket • Box 12 854 • 112 98 Stockholm • 0771-520 520