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The transit procedure enables you to transport goods through one or more countries without having to pay duty and tax. You must provide a guarantee in order to ensure that duty and tax are paid in the event that the transit operation is not ended properly.
For common and Community transit, you submit your transit declarations electronically to the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS), using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

When starting a transit operation, you contact Swedish Customs at the point of departure, where you present the goods, submit a transit declaration, and provide a guarantee. Once Customs has released the goods for transit, you may transport the goods with their accompanying transit documents to the customs authority at the point of destination. There, you present your goods and the transit documents. Once the customs authority at the point of departure has been notified that the transit operation was ended properly, the transit operation will be discharged and your guarantee will be returned.

More information

List of customs offices,external link, opens in new window find out where to submit your declaration
MRN tracking information,external link, opens in new window Track your goods from their point of departure to the customs authority at their destination.
The European Commissionexternal link, opens in new window more information on transit

Good to know

Authorised Economic Operator, AEO is a way of ensuring a safe and efficient flow of goods to and from the EU.
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